Posted by: cck | September 9, 2011

on becoming a good patient

I’ve been a little obsessed with this low morphology thing.  My husband is an overachiever – but he’s got nothing on me.

I’ve been reading and reading and reading about low morphology.  Something in me cannot believe that a normal sample has 30% good morphology and we’re at 3% – all because of wellbutrin (and/or adderall).  I want it to be something else – and to be honest, I need it to be something else.  Something I, ahem, we can fix.  There are a bunch of other causes of low morphology out there and I’ll be damned if I blame one more side effect on an anti-depressant.

I called a urologist.  K now has an appointment with a specialist.  He seemed a little shaken when I called to tell him about his appointment.  I doubt one more doctor’s appointment was what he had in mind.  However, I’m dealing with this as aggressively as I’ve dealt with my own issues.  (as I continue to deal with my own issues)

This is where I stop reading internet stories and start being my own best advocate.  The doctor didn’t suggest visiting a urologist, but I think it’s smart.  Let me flaunt my first world problems here — I pay an inordinate amount for our health insurance.  And now, I’m taking full advantage of it.

I’m a little conflicted – should we still go through an IUI round this soon?  Should we wait for some test results, for the vitamins to start working, for the healthy eating and exercise to take affect?  I don’t know yet.  I’m leaning towards yes.  But I have absolutely no idea why I’m leaning towards yes.

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